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Emmaus Colchester to raise money for local charity

30 May Emmaus Colchester to raise money for local charity

by Tasha Turner

Emmaus Colchester is holding a cake sale on Saturday 10 June at Emmaus Emporium shop on the High Street, Colchester to raise money for local charity Cardiac Risk in the Young (C.R.Y).

The bake sale is the idea of Chelsea Petty, a companion who was formerly homeless.

In 2004 Chelsea tragically lost her older brother Carl who was just 20 at the time. Carl was working as a scaffolder when he had a fall following sudden cardiac failure. The money raised from the bake sale will go to help C.R.Y and its vital work with young people and families who are affected by life threatening cardiac conditions.

Chelsea said “Losing my brother was heart breaking for my whole family and if fundraising can help to prevent further tragedies then it is most definitely worth doing”.

For those that cannot make it along to the cake sale, but would like to make a donation, a go-fund me page has also been set up